Monday, March 22, 2010

If your lifestyle doesn't control your body...

If your lifestyle doesn't control your body, eventually your body will control your lifestyle.

I heard this phrase a little while back and it has really resonated with me.  As I read it, it reminds me what my overall objective is, to be healthy, live with vitality and enjoy life.  It is so easy for us to get wrapped up in inches, pounds, body fat percentages, jean sizes, etc, but what is your underlying motivation to change these things? I have found more than once, that if your goal is completely aesthetics, then you will fail.

You can be a size 2 and look great in a bathing suit, but what good is that if your heart and lungs are failing due to poor nutrition and lack of exercise… what if you can’t even run into the waves without becoming winded and having to lie down?

I started my journey years ago with my main objective being to look good in smaller jeans.  Although this was a powerful ‘want’ in my mind, it wasn’t deep enough for me to really commit to, so I began the yo-yo journey that many people do. Sometimes I was up 10 pounds, and then I’d get mad at myself and starve until I took those 10 pounds off… only to put them back on in a couple weeks as soon as my willpower wore off.  Back then I was always asking myself, how many calories does this have in it? Can I afford it, or will it show up as back fat?  Boy, am I glad those days are over!

Now I look at food differently.  Instead of asking about how many calories and fat grams are in these potato chips, I ask myself if this food choice is contributing to my overall goal of better health.  I could choose to do the Hollywood Cookie Diet and eat cookies all day long and lose weight, but is that making me healthier? No. It limits my calories, but doesn’t provide my body with the nutrients, fiber, antioxidants and other important things that my body needs to live up to its health potential.

Now it is more important to me to eat healthfully and take care of my body so I can have many (many, many, many) years full of jumping into waves, dancing in the rain, swimming with my dog, laughing with my friends, walking with my husband, chasing my (future) kids, and enjoying life to the max. 

For me, it has taken the stress out of eating.  It doesn’t mean I never indulge in potato chips (I do, and they go great with my Grandma Betty’s famous cream cheese dip!), but the majority of the time, I base my food decisions on what will help me become healthier. And, you know what? I haven’t had a problem with my weight since I started living this way.

So, I’m curious… what do you look forward to being able to do for years to come because of the healthy choices you are making today?


  1. Brittany, a great article! You write well and give sage advice. You obviously are a person who practices what she preaches. Because of your credibility I will continue to follow your blogs so that I may become as healthy as you - and stay that way inspired by you and my own dedication to live a long and healthy life. Thanks for sharing your insights!

  2. You talked me in to the organic apple as a snack instead of the pretzels--today.

  3. I have started to make some healthier choices due to my GERD. No more General Tsos, onions or french onion soup for me. Having the severe pain and being sick after I eat just isn't worth it. Sometimes I still eat the wrong combination of foods and I pay for it but I've been doing better lately. Any tips?

  4. Hi Erika! Sounds like you are doing what is best: eliminating foods that you know are troublesome to you. I'd also recommend eating small meals and snacks throughout the day, as to avoid eating a couple large meals that can irritate GERD. It is also helpful to stay away from fried foods, spicy foods, and limit alcohol. Cooked vegetables should be easier to digest than raw vegetables. Eat grilled or broiled chicken, fish, seafood, rice, baked poatoes, and steamed vegetables. Drink water (rather than sodas) and stop eating a couple hours before bed. Also, try elevating your head in bed (put a few pillows under your mattress). I hope some of this helps :) Thanks for your comment!
